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Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry toke it for a ſufficient aun|ſwere.King Henry maruelling at the high wiſe|dome which appeared to be planted in the head of that yong Prince, left off to trauell with hym a|ny further in this matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time the warres continuing be|twixte the King of Englande and the Dolphin of Fraunce, many townes were beſieged, wonne, and ſacked, and ſundry light bickerings and ſkir|miſhes chanced betwixte the parties as occaſion ſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The crewell dealing of the Engliſhmen towardes the Scottes.But the Engliſhmen ſhewed themſelues to beare ſuche hatred towarde the Scottes, that ſo many as fell into their handes neuer needed to ſtrayne their friendes for their raunſomes, which crueltie they put not in practiſe againſt their eni|mies being of any other nation.

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