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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane while alſo, the Earles of Buch|quhan and Wigton with Alexander Lindſay brother to the Earle of Crawford, and Thomas Swyntoun Knightes,Scottiſh ſoul|diours arriued in Fraunce. accompanyed with ſeuen thouſand well armed men, arriued in Fraunce, to the greate reioycing of the Dolphine, as hee well declared in the thankfull receyuing and moſt hartie welcomming of them. Finally,Chatelon in Touraine de|liuered to the Scottiſhmen. the towne & Caſtell of Chatelone in Tourayne was deli|uered to them, that they might haue a place at all times to reſorte vnto, at their owne will and pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after,

The battell of Bauge.

The Duke of Clarẽce ſlaine.

they were employed in ſeruice at the battell of Bauge, ſoughte on Eaſter euen, where ye Duke of Clarence brother to the King of Englãde, the Earle of Riddiſdale, otherwiſe cal|led the Earle of Angus, the Lord Roſſe, ye Lorde Gray, & diuers other great Barons were ſlayne, beſide other of the meaner ſort, in all to the num|ber EEBO page image 375 of ſixteene hundred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Priſoners ta|ken.There wer alſo a great company of priſoners taken at the ſame iourney, amongſt whome as principall were theſe, the Earle of Huntington, and the Earle of Sommerſet, with his brother, both of them being breethren to the Lady Iane that was after married to King Iames the firſt, Kyng of Scotlande. For the high valiauncie of the Scottiſhmen ſhewed in this battel, the Dol|phin created the Earle of Buchquhan high Cõ|neſtable of Fraunce,The Earle of Buchquhane is created Conneſtable of Fraunce. & gaue him ſundry townes, Caſtels, and Lands, therwith the better to main|tayne his eſtate.

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