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Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, in the yeere .1419. the thirde daye of September,1419 Robert Duke of Albany, that hadde bin gouernour of Scotlande for the ſpace of .xv. yeeres, after the death of King Robert the thirde, departed out of this life,The deceaſſe of Roberte Duke of Al|bany. hauing borne hymſelfe in all his time, as a righte valiaunte and noble Prince.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A little before his deceaſſe, there came from Charles the Frenche King,Ambaſſadors from the French King. the Earle of Van|doſme, and chauncelor of France, both to renewe the auncient league betwixt the two Realmes of Scotland and Fraunce, and alſo to get ſome po|wer of Scottes to paſſe into Fraunce, to ſupport the ſayd Charles againſt the Engliſhmen, whi|che as then ſore inuaded his Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherevpon ſhortly after by decree of councell it was ordeyned,An army of Scottes ſent into Fraunce. that Iohn Stewarde Earle of Buchquhane, ſecond ſonne to Duke Robert, and Archimbald Dowglas Earle of Wigton, ſhould paſſe into Fraunce with .vij. thouſande ar|med men.

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