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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Donald of the Iles [...]eth.Donald of the Iles, after this bickering who|ly graunted the victory to his enimies in fleeyng all the night long after the battell towards Ros, and from thence with like ſpeede hee paſſed ouer into the Iles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere nexte following, the gouernoure prepared to make a iourney into the Iles,1412 to cha|ſtiſe the foreſaid Donald, but he through feare of further domage, ſubmitted him ſelfe,Donald of the Iles ſubmit|teth himſelfe. and was ſworne neuer to procure any trouble to ye Realm in tyme to come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Not long after the battell of Harlow, Patrike Dunbar, ſeconde ſonne to the Earle of Marche, with one hundred of hardy perſons, came earely one morning ſomewhat before the breake of day to Faſt Caſtell, and wanne the ſame,Faſt Caſtell wonne. takyng the Captayne priſoner, whoſe name was Thomas Holdon.The bridge of Roxburgh broken down.

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