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Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Earle of Mars ſyde, there dyed A|lexander Ogiluy Sherife of Angus, with ſeuen Knightes of name, and dyuers other gentlemen, with Cummons, to the number of ſixe hun|dred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This battell was ſtryken on Saint Iames euen, in the yeere.14111411.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Donald of the Iles [...]eth.Donald of the Iles, after this bickering who|ly graunted the victory to his enimies in fleeyng all the night long after the battell towards Ros, and from thence with like ſpeede hee paſſed ouer into the Iles.

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