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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Rebellion [...]ued by Donald of the Iles.About the ſame time, there roſe greate trouble in Scotlande, by the Rebellion of Donald of the Iles, who clayming by ryght of his wife, a title to the Earledome of Ros, was defeated of the ſame, by practiſe of the gouernoure, hauyng by ſubtill conueyance, aſſured the ſayde Earledome vnto his ſecond ſonne the Earle of Buchquhane that hight Iohn.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The foreſayde Donald, by way of ſupplica|tion, beſoughte the gouernoure to doe hym rea|ſon, but he receyued nought, except it were fro|warde ſpeeche, wherewith hee tooke ſuche diſ|pleaſure, that rayſing all the power of the Iles, he came into Roſſe,Donald ſub|dewed Ros. and ſubdued the ſame at his pleaſure, but not ſatiſfyed with this, hee paſſed thorough Murray, Bogheual, and other boundes thereaboutes, till hee came into Garioch, purpo|ſing to brenne Abyrdene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Alexander Stewarde Earle of Mar,The Earle of Mar. hauing gathered a power with all diligence to reſiſt this Donalde, mette with him at a Vil|lage called Harlow,The battell of Harlowe. and incontinently not ſtay|ing for more ayde that was commyng towardes hym, ſet on the enimies more raſhly than order|ly, and more fiercely than diſcretely, not paſſing for keeping any accuſtomed aray of battell as [figure appears here on page 373] had bin requiſite, by reaſon wherof, great ſlaugh|ter was made on eyther parte, the victory in the ende beeing ſo doubtfull,Doubtfull victory. that both partes were fayne to withdrawe out of the fielde, and flee to the nexte Mountaynes, as glad to be ſeuered the one from the other.

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