Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 365] Robert. AFter the deceaſſe of King Roberte the ſeconde,Iohn Stewarde Earle of Car|rike admitted to the Crown. hys ſon Iohn Ste|ward Earle of Carricke was admitted to the Crowne, which hee receyued at Scone on oure Ladye the Aſ|ſumption.1390
Compare 1587 edition:
1 And for ſo much as Iohn was
thought to bee an infortunate name for Kings,
The name of Iohn chaun| [...]ed and called Roberte the third. Williã Dow| [...] of Nid| [...]d [...]e cho| [...] Admirall by the Lordes of Prutzen.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, William Dowglas of Niddeſdale was choſen by the Lordes of Prut|zen, to be Admirall of a nauy, conteyning two hundred and fortie ſhippes, whiche they had rig|ged, and purpoſed to ſet foorthe againſte the miſ|creaunt people of the Northeaſt partes, but be|ing appealed by the Lord Clifford an Engliſh|man, (who was there likewiſe to ſerue with the foreſaid Lords in that iourney) to fight with him in a ſingular combate.He is ſlayne by the Lorde Clifforde. Duncane Steward in| [...]eth Angus. Before the day came ap|poynted for them to haue darreigned the battell, the Lorde Clifford lay in awayte for the Dow|glas, and vppon the bridge of Danzke mette with him, and there ſlew him, to the great diſtur|bance and ſtay of the whole iourney.