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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Ramſey doing as he was commaun|ded, made a great forrey through the Countrey, and hauing got togyther a greate bootie of Cat|taile, withdrew with the ſame homewardes: but being ſharpely purſued by the Engliſhe men in hope to recouer theyr goodes, he fledde amayne, [figure appears here on page 352] EEBO page image 353 and they following egrelye in the chaſe were vpon the Scottiſh army before they were war [...].The Engliſh men entrapped

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottiſhe men, and thoſe fewe Frenche men that were there, ſette vppon the Engliſhe men right fiercelye, and finallye putte them to flight,Put to flight. though not without ſome daughter on theyr part: for there were ſlaine of Scottes ſir Iohn Holyburton, and ſir Iames Ti [...]echull knightes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taken priſoners of Engliſhmen. ſir Thomas Gray, and his ſonne,Priſoners taken. with Iohn Dar [...]as and many other Engliſh men.

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