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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhe men withdrawing all theyr goodes into ſtrengthes, mynded not to giue the Scottes any ſet battaile, but to take them euer at ſome aduauntage, if they ſtrayed abrode any where vnwarely to fetch in booties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Neyther were they altogyther diſappoynted of their hoped pray,Fiue Scottiſh knightes ta|ken priſoners. for fiue Scottes knightes, whoſe names were Steward, Eglyntõ, Cragy, Boyd, and Fullarton, purſuing their enimies one time ouer fiercely, were taken priſoners, and after redeemed for great ſummes of money.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length king Dauid, perceyuing that hee waſted but tyme, returned into Scotlande.

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