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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many Scottiſhemen at thys tyme reuolted from the Kyng of Englande, in ſubmyttyng themſelues to king Dauid, as Alexander Ram|ſay, a ryghte ſkylfull warryour, Laurence Pre|ſton, Iohn Hecryng, and Iohn Halyburton knyghts, with diuers other.

Not long after, was an other Parlyamente called by the gouernours at Darſe, to deui [...]e for the ordering of things perteyning to the com|mon wealth: but for ſo muche as Dauid Cu|myn Earle of Athole came thyther with a grea|ter power than was thought expedient for ſuche an aſſẽble, other miſtruſting his meaning, grud|ged therat, and alledged howe they myghte not with ſuretie proceede in theyr doyngs, and ſo by that meanes the aſſemble brake vp for that tyme, withoute effect of that whereabout they were come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edwarde Kyng of Englande vnderſtan|dyng the Rebellyon of the Scottes,Ye may reade more of thys matter in the hiſtorie of En|glande. determy|ned to aſſayle them bothe by ſea and lande: and ſo prouydyng a Nauye of an hundreth and foureſcore ſhyppes, ſente the ſame well vic|tualled and manned to ſayle into the Forth,A nauie ſente into Scotland. the whyche beeyng there arryued, brente and ſpoyled the townes on bothe ſydes that ryuer, but returnyng backe into Englande,Shipwracke. they loſte many of their veſſels by a tempeſt.

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