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Compare 1587 edition: 1 He ſent by ſea .lxx. ſhips well and ſufficiently decked for the warres, to enter by the Forth:King Edward inuadeth Scot+lande both by ſea and lande. but by a ſore tempeſte many of thoſe veſſels periſhed betwixt Inchkieth and the north lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He himſelf hauing the Ballyol in his compa|nie with fiftie thouſande menne, came by lande vnto Glaſgow, and perceiuing there was little for him to doe, for that no rebellion greatly anye where apeared, he returned back again into En|gland with the Ballyol, and left Dauid Cumyn Erle of Athole gouernor in his roomth to ſubdue the reſidue of the rebels, and to win thoſe ſtreng|thes, which as yet were defended againſt him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dauid Cumyn lefte thus to be gouernoure in Scotlande,Dauid Cumyn erle of Athole gouernour for the Balliol in Scotlande. tooke vpon him to rule in name both of the king of Englãd, and alſo of the Bal|lyoll, and ſeaſed into his handes all thoſe landes in Murray and Buchquhane, whiche pertayned to Robert Stewarde, confiſcatyng all the goo|des of ſuche the inhabitauntes, as woulde not bee ſworne vnto him.

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