Compare 1587 edition: 1 The gouernoure feelyng himſelfe tormented dayly worſt and worſe in his ſtomack & womb, and hearing that the Monke was gone, & myn|ded not to returne to him againe, he beganne to doubt the matter, and ſhortely after learned by Phyſitions that he was poyſoned, and that the venym had taken ſuch holde within his bowels, that it was not poſſible to remoue it.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme, was king Edward come with an armie vnto the bordures,King Edward his purpoſe to inuade Scotland. purpoſing to inuade Scotlande, for that he thought how the gouernor was eyther dead, or at the verie poynt of death, and therfore he was in hope, that com|ming in tyme of the trouble vpon his death into Scotland, he ſhoulde finde occaſion to archieue ſome enterpriſe, highly to his aduantage.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the gouernour aduertized hereof, [...]yſed a power,The gouernor in an horſe lit|ter is caryed forth to en|counter the Engliſhmen. and though he were not able eyther to ryde or goe, he yet cauſed himſelfe to bee caryed foorth in an horſe litter.