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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This he ſpake, for that it was knowne, how the Lorde gouernour was ſore vexed with that diſeaſe, hoping by this meanes to haue hym in cure, that he might therby the more eaſily work EEBO page image 332 his diueliſhe enterpryſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And euen accordyng to his deſire it came to paſſe: for being taken for ſuch a man as he was named to be, he was ſente for to the gouernour, and comming before him, he handled the matter ſo with wordes, that the gouernor was conten|ted he ſhould take him in hande, whiche he didde with ſuch wicked intention that perſuading him to keepe ſuche diet as he preſcribed, & herewith to take ſuch ſirupes and other things as he woulde giue him, at length, he moſte trayterouſly poy|ſoned him in deede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The venim was of ſuche mixture, as would not ſlea him out of hande, but by little and little waſte his entrayles, that the Monke might haue leyſure to eſcape home into England,The gouernor is poyſoned. ere it were perceyued what he had done.

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