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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo that vertue might be cheriſhed within the realme,A laudable or|dinãce againſt vagarant per|ſons. he commaunded that no vagabunde nor ydle perſon ſhould be receiued into any towne or place, except they had ſome craft or ſcience wher|with to get their lyuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this means he purged the realm of Scot|lande of many idle and ſlouthfull roges and va|gabundes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is ſaide, that during the tyme whyleſt ſuch ſtraight puniſhment was exerciſed againſt offendors by the miniſters of the lawes therto by him auctoriſed & aſſigned: it fortuned that a carle of the countrey, bicauſe he durſt not ſteale other mens goodes, ſtale his owne plough yrons, yt he might haue the value of them recõpenced to him by the Sheriffe: Neuertheleſſe ſuch earneſt dili|gence was vſed in the ſerche and triall, who had the plough yrons, that finally the trouth came to light,Vpright iu|ſtice. whervpon for his craftie falſhood the partie giltie was hanged, as he had well deſerued.

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