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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe ambaſſadours founde the king of En|gland eaſy ynough to be intreated for the graunt of their ſuite, ſo that a generall truce was taken for the ſpace of .iij. yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In that meane tyme,A truce for three yeares. Erle Thomas applied his whole ſtudie for the mayntenance of iuſtice and equitie thorow the whole realme, not omi|ting yet to appoint order, that menne ſhoulde be prouided of armoure and weapon for defence of the countrey, if neceſſitie ſo requeſted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, for the better proofe of exercyſing Iuſtice amongeſt them that coueted to lyue by truthe, and to haue more readie occaſion to pu|niſhe other that ment the contrarie, he comman|ded ye ſaddles and brydles with all other ſuch in|ſtruments and ſtuffe as perteined to huſbandry,A meane to haue iuſtice executed. ſhoulde be left abroade both day and night with|oute the dores: and if it chaunced that anye of them were ſtollen or taken awaye, the Sheriffe of the ſhyre ſhoulde eyther cauſe the ſame to be reſtored agayne, or elſe to paye for it on hys owne purſe.

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