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Compare 1587 edition: 1 His fame therfore did ſpread hugely,The fame of king Robert. not onely amõgſt his own people, but alſo amongſt ſtran|gers, inſomuch as his due praiſe was not wan|ting, no not euen amongſt and in the middeſt of his verie enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For (as it is ſayde) on a tyme it chaunced that king Edward the thirde,His prayſe a|mongſt the enimies. ſitting at a banket amongeſt his Nobles, fell in talke with them of warlike enterpriſes, and of ſuche notable Cap|taynes, as had excelled in knowledge in ye behalf.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length after much reaſoning to and fro,A queſtion pro+poned to an Engliſh He|ralde by king Edwarde the third. he propounded this queſtion to the king of Heralds, that as then ſtood by, cõmaunding him to declare which were the three moſt worthie and valiant captains that he had knowne in all his dayes.

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