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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane while, King Edward the thirde ſent vnto king Robert for peace, but forſomuche as it was perceiued to be but a coloured pretence, no concluſion thereof enſued, but preparation made on eyther part for warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Robert ſhortly after fell ſicke, by reaſon whereof, being not able to ride abrode nor to tra|uaile himſelfe,The rule of things com|mitted to Thomas Ran|dall, and to Ia|mes Dowglas. he committed the adminiſtration of all things touching the common wealth and other the affayres of the realme vnto Thomas Randall, Earle of Murrey, and to the Lorde Iames Dowglas, two Captaynes, for theyr high prowes and noble valiancie in thoſe dayes greatly renowmed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe two hardie chieftaynes aſſembling an armie of .xx. thouſande men,They inuade Northum|berlande. or as ſome writers haue .xxv. thouſande, entred with the ſame into Northumberlande, waſting and ſpoyling the countrey on eche ſide.

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