Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morrow the chamberlain found them departed before any of the gates were opened, and the beddes fayre made, and not ſtyrred otherwiſe than as they left them ouer night.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame day that the battail was foughten, a knight clad in fayre bright armour, declared to the people at Aberdene, how the Scots had got|ten a famous victorie againſt the Engliſh men, and was ſene ſhortly after to paſſe ouer Pictland Fyrth on horſebacke.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was ſuppoſed by the people that this was S. Magnus, ſomtime prince of Orkney, and for that cauſe K. Robert endowed ye church of Ork|ney wt .v. lb ſterling of ye cuſtoms of Aberdene, to furniſh the ſame church, with bread, wine, & wax.