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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, if nothing elſe might rayſe theyr hearts in hope of victorie, their iuſt cauſe ſith they come in defence of their countrey againſt iniuri|ous inuaders, was matter ſufficient to aduaunce their manly ſtomackes, in truſt of Gods ayde in that quarell, hauing partly aſſured them thereof, by notable myracles ſhewed in the night laſte paſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereto hee added, that the greater multitude there was of the enimies, the more ſpoyle and ry|ches was to be got, if they atteyned the victorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, the more to ſtyrre their heartes to do valiauntly, he required thẽ of one thing, which he truſted (their manhoode being ſuch) they woulde not thinke harde for them to atchieue, and this was, that euerie of them woulde but diſpatch one of the enimies, whiche if they performed he pro|miſed them aſſured victorie.

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