Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Abbot of Inchechaffray did celebrate be|fore the king that day, and miniſtred vnto him and other of the Nobles the communion, other Prieſtes being appoynted to miniſter the ſame vnto the reſidue of the armie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The exhorta|tion of king Robert to his people.After this, when ſeruice was ended, the king called the people to his ſtandart, and firſt decla|red vnto them from poynt to poynt how neceſſa|rie it was for them to ſhewe their woonted man|hood, conſidering that ſuch an huge multitude of people was brought thither agaynſte them by king Edwarde, not of one Nation or dominion, but of ſundrie languages and parties, aſwel ſub|iectes as alyes to the Engliſh men, with ful pur|poſe vtterly to extinguiſh the Scottiſh name and memorie, and to plant themſelues in their ſeates and row [...]ths, as in poſſeſſions vtterly voyded of all the auncient and former inhabitants.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 To encreaſe the fierce ſtomacks of the Scot|tiſh men agaynſt the enimies, he recounted vnto them what hee heard by credible report touching the menacing wordes and inſolent brags of the fame enimies, able to moue right quiet mindes vnto full indignation.