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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Countreys out of the which it is repor|ted by the Scottiſh writers, that ſuch ayde came to the Engliſhe men,Out of what [...]treys K. Edwarde had ayde of men. were theſe, Hollande, Ze|land, Brabant, Flanders, Picardie, Boloignois, Gaſcoigne, Normandie, Guian, and Burdelois, for all theſe at that time were either ſubiect to the King of Englande, or elſe in confederate league with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo many Scottes that were Engliſhe by deuotion, and ayded king Edward at this tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the number of natural Engliſhmen ex|ceeded any one nation beſyde, inſomuch that the whole armie what of one and other conteyned (as the fame went) one hundred and fiftie thou|ſane footmen, and almoſt as many horſemen, be|ſide caryage men, coyſtrels, women, and lackies,Fame often|tymes excee|deth the ſooth but the ſame herein belike (as often happeneth) did farre exceed the ſooth.

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