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Compare 1587 edition: 1 After long ſiege, and (as before is ſayde) no good done, there was a motiõ made betwixt him and the Captaine within for a truce, which was accorded on this wiſe: that if the fortreſſe were not ſuccoured within .xij. monthes next enſuing, it ſhould then be rendred to king Robert, and in the meane time no force ſhould be vſed againſt it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An vnwiſe cõ|poſition.This compoſition was vnwiſely made, as moſte men iudged: for euery man of any wiſe|dome might eaſily coniecture, that king Edward hauing ſo long day to make his prouiſion, would come in ſupport of them within the Caſtell, and that ſo ſtrongly, as would be hard for the Scots to reſiſt him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Robert offended with his brother.King Robert himſelfe alſo was ſore offended with his brother for his follie ſhewed in this be|halfe, but yet he would not goe aboute to breake the couenant accorded, for doubt to loſe his bro|ther, whoſe ayde he might not well want.

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