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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare, through continuall warres, there roſe ſuche dearth and ſcarcitie of things in Scotland,A ſore dearth. that neither corne nor other vytayles could be had for money, for the ground in maner generally through the countrey lay vntilled, and beaſtes with all kind of Cattel were driuen away as booties taken by the enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By reaſon wherof famine ſo encreaſed on ech ſide, that the people were conſtrayned to eate hor|ſes and other lothſome fleſh and meates, thereby to ſuſteyne theyr liues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare following, which was after the incarnation 1311.


Caſtels reco|uered by king Robert.

king Robert chaſed the Eng|liſh men out of all partes of Scotlande, winning many caſtels out of their handes, diuerſe of the which he razed and conſumed with fire.

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