Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Radulph at his commyng into Scot|lande, tooke ſmall regarde to the orderyng of his field, but deuided his armie into three partes, e|uery part conteining .x. thouſand men, and ap|pointed them to paſſe foorth to forraye the coun|trey, and to mete altogither at Roſlyn, in ſuche ſort and tyme as he preſcribed. Iohn Cumyn & Symon Fraſer being aduertiſed hereof, gathered their powers together, to the nũber of .vij. or viij. thouſand men, and determined to try the chance of battayle with one part of the Engliſh armye firſt, truſting that if they hapned to haue the vp|per hande of one of the three parts, the other two would be the more eaſy to deale with.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottiſh captains reſolued thus vpon that point, exhorted their people to remẽber how they were to fight in defence of their wiues, their chil|dren, their goods and liberties of their countreye, againſt ſuch as ſought to bring them into thral|dome and vile ſeruitude.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 With which wordes the Scottes were ſo en|boldned, that minding either to die or to winne the victorie, they gaue the onſette ſo fiercely on their enimyes, that the fyrſte battayle of the EEBO page image 307 Engliſhmen was quickely ouerthrowen and vanquiſhed.The firſte bat|taile of the en|gliſhmen o|uerthrowne.