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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle of Buchquhan reyſed a myghtie armie,Iohn Cumyn. and with the ſame entred into Northum|berland, wher he waſted with fyre and ſword all that countreye. After this, hee layde ſiege to Carleile, but he wanne nothing there, the towne was ſo well defended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In that ſeaſon alſo, the fame of Willyam Wallace began to ſpring,Williã Wal|lace beginneth to waxe fa|mous. a yong gentleman of ſo huge ſtature and notable ſtrength of bodye, with ſuche ſkil and knowlege in warlike enter|pryſes, and hereto of ſuch hardineſſe of ſtomacke in attempting all manner of daungerous ex|ploites, that his matche was not anye where lyghtly to be founde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He was ſonne to one ſyr Androw Wallace of Cragy, knight,Sir Androwe Wallace kni|ght father to Williã Wal|lace. and from his youth bare euer an inwarde hatred agaynſt the Englyſh nation.

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