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Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edwarde rather prouoked than feared with this miſaduenture, came with a far grea|ter puiſſance than before, to renewe the ſiege:Barwike be|ſieged. but when he perceyued his purpoſe tooke not ſo ſpedy effect as he hoped it ſhoulde haue done, he deui|ſed howe to take this towne by ſome ſlightefull policie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon he fayned as though he wold haue broken vp his ſiege, & ſo reyſing his camp,The policie of king Edwarde to winne Bar|wike. with|drew a little from the towne, and then hauing prouided baners and enſignes, reſembling alto|gither ſuch as diuers noble men in Scotland v|ſed, he ſodeynly returned towards the towne, e|uery one of his ſoldiors wearing a croſſe of ſaint Androws aboue on their harneis, after the ma|ner of the Scottiſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo ſente before vnto the towne certayne Scottes that ſerued the kyng of Eng|land, whiche gaue knowledge to the capitaynes within the towne, that their lord king Iohn was comming with his armie to their ſuccours.

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