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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xxxj. yeare of his reigne was the firſt commyng of the peſtilence into Scotland,The firſt com|ming of the peſtilence into Scotland. with great mortalitie of the people, where it had not bin bred, that euer this ſickneſſe had come with|in that realme before that tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſolemnization of the ſeconde mariage of king Alexander, as the bridegroome according to the maner, ledde the bryde in a daunce, a great number of lordes and ladies folowing them on the ſame daunce,A ſtrange ſight in daunſing. there appeared in their ſight as it were cloſing vp the hindermoſte of the daun|cers, a creature reſembling deathe, all naked of fleſhe and [...]y [...], with bare bones right dredfull to beholde, through whiche ſpectacle the king and the reſidue of all the companie were ſo aſtonyed, and put in ſuch fright and feare, that they hadde quickly made an ende of their daunce for ye time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the days of this king Alexander the third,Learned men. lyued ſundry great clarkes.

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