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Compare 1587 edition: 1 A blazing ſtarre.In the .xx. yeare of his reigne, there was a Comete or blaſing ſtarre ſeene of a meruailous quantitie, ſhyning euery day towarde the ſouth, euen about noone dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the Epiphanie day next after, roſe ſo great windes,Great wyndes. with ſtormes of ſuch vnmeſurable great hayle ſtones, that many townes were throwne downe by violence thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fire cauſed through windIn the meane tyme, roſe thorough the vehe|mente rage of windes a ſodaine fyre, in manye boundes within the realme of Scotlande, that did muche hurt in buyldings and edifices, bren|ning vp ſteeples with ſuch force of fyre, that the belles were in diuers places melted, as though it had bin in a furnace.

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