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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vnketh ſights [...] woonders.In the .xvij. yeare of his reigne, there was ſuche an infinite number of wormes through al the parties of Albion, that not onely the leaues and fruites of trees, but alſo flowres and herbes in gardens, were eaten vp and conſumed with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 High tides.And in the ſame yeare, the waters of Furth and Tay roſe with ſuche high tydes in flowing ouer the bankes, that many townes and villa|ges were drowned, to the great deſtruction both of men and beaſtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A blazing ſtarre.In the .xx. yeare of his reigne, there was a Comete or blaſing ſtarre ſeene of a meruailous quantitie, ſhyning euery day towarde the ſouth, euen about noone dayes.

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