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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of this maryage was borne that Robert Bruce whiche afterwardes (through want of heyres of the lynage of King Alexander) attey|ned the Crowne of Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 K. Alexander diſpleaſed with the fore|ſayd Martha.As ſoone as King Alexander was aduertiſed hereof, he tooke ſuch indignation that ſhe ſhoulde beſtow hir ſelf ſo lightly vpon one whom ſhe ne|uer ſaw before, that he tooke hir Caſtel of Turn|berie into his own hands with al hir other lands and poſſeſſions, as it were by eſcheit, for that ſhee had maried without his conſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Notwithſtanding, within ſhort while after, he tooke pitie on hir caſe, and for an eaſie compo|ſition of money which ſhe payed for hir mariage, reſtored vnto hir againe all hir landes & liuings, ſuffring hir to enioy hir huſbande without any more trouble or vexation.

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