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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, the auaritious Prelate Gualo, vppon truſt to purchaſe ſome large por|tion of mony in Scotlande,Scotland in|terdited. put the ſame vnder proces of interditing, & namely he accurſed king, Alexander moſt terribly, for that he had inuaded England, (and as he alledged) ſpoyled Churches as well as prophaine places. Theſe curſings [...] inflamed the heartes of the Scottiſh men with hatred agaynſt the Engliſhemen, that the ſame was not like to haue ended without the vtter de|ſtruction and ruine of both their realmes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 283Neuertheleſſe at length, by the diligent tra|uayle of the Biſhops of Yorke and Saliſburie,Biſhops of Yorke and Sa|lisburie. which came vnto king Alexander to treate an a|greement, a finall peace was concluded, vnder theſe conditions.A peace con|cluded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſt it was agreed, that King Alexander ſhould render the Citie of Carleil into the Eng|liſh mens handes,The conditiõs and king Henrie the towne of Barwike vnto the Scottes.

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