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Compare 1587 edition: 1 King William being aduertiſed therof, ſente his ambaſſadoures vnto kyng Iohn, requiring him to deſiſt from ſuch attempts, and not to ſeke any occaſion of new trouble: but for ſo much as he receyued no towardly aunſwere agayne from king Iohn, he aſſembled a power, and commyng to the Caſtell, whiche king Iohn had cauſed to be buylded,A caſtel ouer|uerthrowne. he ouerthrewe the ſame, and raſed it to the earth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Iohn ſore offended herewith, reyſed a mightie armie, and came towardes Scotlande, but at his cõming to the bordures, he founde his aduerſarie king William ready to receyue hym by battayle, if he had come forewarde, howebeit through mediation of prudente men the mater was taken vp betwixte them,A peace eſta|bliſhed at York betwixt the kings Iohn and William. ſo that on eyther ſyde the armies wer diſſolued, and both the kings repairing to York, eſtabliſhed a peace there, with theſe cõditions, that Margaret & Iſabel daugh|ters to king William,The couenãts of the peace. after the terme of .ix. yea|res then next enſuing were once expired, ſhoulde be coupled in mariage with Henry and Richard the ſonnes of king Iohn, vpon this paction and couenaunt, that if the one dyed, the other ſhould ſuccede to the crowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the whiche it was couenanted, that king William ſhould giue a right large dower.

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