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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Howebeit the king purſued them in ſuch di|ligent and earneſt maner,Iuſtice not de| [...]te of mer+cye. that he apprehẽded the moſt part of them in Cathnes, & cõmaunded iu|ſtice to be done on them, in ſuch wyſe, that mer|cie was not yet wanting: for ſuch as were thou|ght to bee after a ſorte gyltleſſe, were pardoned, and the other puniſhed, euery of them according to the meaſure of his offences.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the principall leader of them, that is to wite, the forenamed Herald, for that tyme eſca|ped into the weſt Iles, but ſhortly after, retur|ning into Cathnes,The Thane o Cathnes takẽ. Seuere puni|tion. he was taken and brought to the king, who cauſed his eyes fyrſte to be put out, then gelded, and laſtly to bee hanged on a paire of gallowes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo all thoſe of his lignage that were men, were lykewiſe gelded, that no ſucceſſion ſhould followe of ſo wicked a weed.Great death. 1199.

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