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Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this mariage and aliance,The peace cõ|firmed with Englande. the peace was newly confirmed betwixte England and Scot|lande in ſuche wyſe, that neyther part might re|ceyue any rebelles to the other, by meanes wher|of Gilcriſt, that before was fled into England, was conſtreyned to returne into Scotland,The miſerable ſtate of Gil|criſt. diſ|guyſed in poore weede, with two of his ſonnes, & there paſſed foorth his lyfe a long tyme in great myſerie amongſt the woodes and in out places, vnknowne to any man what he was, by reaſon of his poore and ſimple habite.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Somewhat before the aboue remẽbred mari|age,The caſtell of Edenburgh reſtored. Henry king of Englande at the motion of Hugh biſhoppe of Durham rendred vp the Ca|ſtell of Edenburghe into kyng William his handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this tyme the Souldane named Sala|dine proſpered hugely againſt the Chriſtians in the holy lande,Saladine the Souldane. making ſuche cruell ſlaughter of them, that to heare thereof, all chriſtian heartes were moued to pitifull commiſeration and dolo|rous teares, in ſo muche that Henrye kyng of Englande vowed to goe thyther wyth an ar|mie to relieue the common neceſſitie of the chri|ſtian publique weale, and hadde gone in deede,King Henries purpoſe to go into the holye land againſte the Saraſins hindered by rebellion of his ſonne. if hee had not bene hyndered by the conſpiracie of his ſonne, whome lately before he had cauſed to bee crowned kyng, that wente aboute to v|ſurpe the ſole adminiſtration to hymſelfe nowe in his fathers lyfe tyme.

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