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Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was not muche bloud ſpilled on ey|ther ſyde at this bickering, for the one parte in the beginning of the f [...]aye (as ye haue hearde) fleing of ſette purpoſe vnto the place where theyr ambuſhe laye, eſcaped without much hurt, and the other feared by the breaking forth of the am|buſhe aboade the brunt but a ſmall whyle, re|turning immediatly towards the king, and then perceyuing they coulde doe no good, they made the beſt ſhift they coulde eche man for himſelf to eſcape the enimies handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king being thus takẽ of his enimies,King Williã conueyd into Normandie. was conueyed vnto king Henry ouer into Norman|die where he was as then remaining. The yeare that king William was thus taken, was after the byrth of our Sauiour Chriſt .1174.1174. and the EEBO page image 274 nynth of king Williams reigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diſcorde of writers.Other writers report the maner of his taking not altogether agreeable with that whiche wee haue here aboue remẽbred, who declare how king William after he had waſted all Cumberlande, came into Northumberlande, not ceaſſyng tyll he came to Anwike, where he ſtayed for a tyme to haue had battayle, but in the meane whyle the Engliſhmen laye cloſe togither withoute noyſe or apperance, in ſuche wiſe that no Scottiſhmã could haue vnderſtanding where they were.

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