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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 273Complaint of theſe iniuries beyng broughte vnto the wardeyn of the Scottiſhe bordure, [...] with Englande. by ſuch Scottes as had loſte ſuche goodes as w [...]e taken away by the Engliſhmen he ſe [...] to de|maunde reſtitution, but for ſo muche as [...]e could haue no towardly aunſwere he got together a great number of men, the which entring into the Engliſhe grounde, did muche hurt on eche ſide where they came.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſame time was king Henry in France, and therefore the Engliſhmen thoughte it ſuffi|cient to defend themſelues as wel as they might withoute attemptyng anye notable enterpriſe in reuenge of theſe diſpleaſures doone by the Scottes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Harneſt was alſo at hande, and therevppon they ceaſſed on eyther parte from further inua|ſions, tyll the wynter ſeaſon, whyche paſſed al|ſo without any exployte atchieued worthy to be remembred, ſauing certaine ſmall roades made by the Scottes into the Engliſhe bordures, as they ſawe occaſion to ſerue thereto.

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