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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But theſe and many other moſte weightie reaſons could nothing moue his conſtant mind,K. Malcolme might not be perſwaded to take a wife. hauing euen from his tender yeares fianced hys virginitie vnto Chriſt truſting that God would ſo prouide, that the Realme ſhoulde not be deſti|tute of conuenable heyres, when the time came that it ſhoulde pleaſe his diuine Maieſtie to take him hence to his mercie from amongeſt his ſub|iectes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus brake vppe that Counſell wythoute anye effecte of the purpoſe for the whiche it was called.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after it chaunced that King Mal|colme fell ſicke, continuing ſo a long tyme, by reaſon whereof he ſought meanes to conclude a peace wyth Henrie King of Englande,A peace con|cluded with Englande. whiche being brought to paſſe, hee ſette woorke men in hande to laye the foundation of Saint Rewles Abbey, which afterwards bare the name of ſaint Androwes.

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