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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 270For the which agreement he ran ſo farre into the hatred of his people,King Mal|colme hated of his people. that he might neuer af|ter fynde meanes to winne their fauours again, but doubting leaſt if they ſhould ſtirre any rebel|lion againſt him,Feare of out|warde enimies cauſeth quiet|neſſe at home. they mighte become an eaſye pray vnto the Engliſhmen, they remained quiet for a tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Howebeit ſhortely after, there roſe an other piece of trouble, though leſſe in outwarde, appa|rance, by reaſon of the ſmall power remayning in the authour, yet daungerous inough, conſide|ring it was within the realme it ſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Angus the Thane of Gal|loway rayſeth a commotion: vpon what oc|caſion writers make not anye mencion.One Angus as then the Thane of Gallo|way, perceyuing he might not by ſecret practiſe atchieue his purpoſed intẽt (whatſoeuer the ſame was) determined by open force to aſſay what luc+kie ſucceſſe Fortune wold ſend hym, hoping that thoſe which through feare ſate as yet ſtill, would aſſiſte hym in all his attemptes, ſo ſoone as they ſaw any commotion reyſed by hym to occaſion them thereto.

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