Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Dauids ſeruantes.All the woordes, workes, and whole demea|nour of his ſeruaunts tended to ſome good con|cluſion. Nothing moued to ſtyrre ſtryfe or ſe|dition, but al things ordered in ſuche frendly and peaceable ſorte, that the chayne of brotherly loue ſeemed to haue linked them all in one minde and will.King Dauids example, a rule of godly li|uing. Such a rule was theyr maiſter king Da|uid vnto them and all other, to direct and frame a perfect and godly life after.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 268] Mal|colme. KIng Da|uid be|ing dead and buried (as be|fore is men|cioned,) Mal|colme nephew to him by his ſonne Henry, ſucceeded in ye aſtate.