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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Donalde Bane being aduertiſed of all thoſe things, that hereby happened in Scotland, ſolici|ted Makpẽder Earle of Mernes to take his part, & by ſome meanes to ſlea king Duncane, which enterprice Makpender taking in hand, at length (in Menteth) accompliſhed the ſame in the night ſeaſon,Makpender Erle of Mernes ſlayeth king Duncane. when he had eſpied ſuch aduauntage and oportunitie of time, that not ſo muche as one man was founde to purſue him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to ſay the truth, Duncane was ſo farre out of the peoples fauour, that mo reioyced than were ſorie for his death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Donalde Bane is reſtored to the crowne.After he was thus diſpatched, his vncle Do|nald was reſtored againe to the kingdome, chief|ly by ſupporte of the forenamed Makpender, after his nephewe the foreſayde Duncane had raigned one yeare and an halfe, where Donalde himſelfe had raigned before he was expulſed by his ſayde nephewe, the ſpace of ſixe Monethes, and nowe after he had recouered the Kingdome, he continued in the regiment therof three yeares, not without greate trouble and inteſtine com|motions: for the moſte part of the Lordes ma|ligning his aduauncement, ſought occaſions dayly to depoſe him.

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