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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sywarde Earle of Northum|berlandẽ.In the meane time, Malcolme purchaſed ſuch fauour at king Edwards handes, that olde Sywarde Earle of Northumberlande, was ap|poynted with ten thouſande men to go with him into Scotland, to ſupport him in this enterpriſe, for recouerie of his right.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After theſe newes were ſpred abrode in Scot|land,The nobles of Scotland de|uided. the nobles drew into two ſeuerall factions, the one taking part with Makbeth, and the other with Malcolme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereupon enſued oftentymes ſundrie bicke|rings, and diuerſe light ſkirmiſhes, for thoſe that were of Malcolmes ſide, woulde not ieoparde to ioyne with their enimies in a pight field, tyll his comming out of England to their ſupport. But after that Makbeth perceiued his enimies power to encreaſe,Makbeth re|culeth. by ſuch ayde as came to them forth of England with his aduerſarie Malcolme, he reculed backe into Fife, there purpoſing to abide in campe fortified, at the Caſtell of Dunſinane, and to fight with his enimies, if they ment to purſue him, howbeit ſome of his friends aduyſed him, that it ſhould be beſt for him, eyther to make ſome agreement with Malcolme,Makbeth is counſailed to flee into the Iles. or elſe to flee with all ſpeed into the Iles, and to take his trea|ſure with him, to the ende he might wage ſun|drie great Princes of the realme to take his part, and retayne ſtraungers, in whom he might bet|ter truſt than in his owne ſubiectes, which ſtale dayly from him: but he had ſuche confidence in his prophecies, that he beleeued he ſhoulde neuer be vanquiſhed,Makbethes truſt in pro|pheſies. till Byrnane wood were brought to Dunſinnane, nor yet to be ſlaine with anye man, that ſhould be or was borne of any womã.

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