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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Makduffes aunſwere.Hereunto Makduffe anſwered: this ſurely is a very euill fault, for many noble Princes and Kings haue loſt both lyues and Kingdomes for the ſame, neuertheleſſe there are women ynowe in Scotlande, and therefore follow my counſell, make thy ſelfe king, and I ſhall conuey the mat|ter ſo wiſely, that thou ſhalt be ſo ſatiſfied at thy pleaſure in ſuch ſecrete wiſe, that no man ſhall be aware therof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſaide Malcolme, I am alſo the moſte auaritious creature on the earth, ſo that if I were king, I ſhould ſeeke ſo many wayes to get lands and goodes, that I woulde ſlea the moſt part of all the nobles of Scotland by ſurmiſed accuſati|ons, to the end I might enioy their lands, goods, and poſſeſſions, & therfore to ſhew you what miſ|chief may enſue on you through mine vnſatiable couetiſe, I will rehearſe vnto you a fable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was a Foxe hauing a ſore place on him ouerſet with a ſwarme of flies that conti|nually ſucked out hir bloud,A fable of a Foxe. and when one that came by and ſaw this maner demaunded whe|ther ſhe woulde haue the flies dryuen beſyde hir, ſhe anſwered no: For if theſe flies that are alrea|die full, and by reaſon thereof ſucke not very e|gerly, ſhould be chaſed away, other that are emp|tie and felly an hungred, ſhoulde light in theyr places, and ſuck out the reſidue of my bloud farre more to my grieuance than theſe, which now be|ing ſatiſfied doe not much annoy me. Therefore ſayth Malcolme, ſuffer me to remaine where I am, leaſt if I attaine to the regiment of your realme, mine inquenchable auarice may proue ſuch, that ye would thinke the diſpleaſures which now grieue you, ſhould ſeeme eaſie in reſpect of the vnmeaſurable outrage, whiche might enſue through my comming amongſt you.

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