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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme Cammore his anſwere.I am truly right ſorie for the miſerie chaun|ced to my Countrey of Scotlande, but though I haue neuer ſo great affection to relieue ye ſame, yet by reaſon of certaine incurable vyces, whiche raigne in me, I am nothing meete thereto: Firſt ſuche immoderate luſt and voluptuous ſenſua|litie (the abhominable fountaine of all vyces) fo|loweth me, that if I were made king of Scots, I ſhoulde ſeeke to deflower your Maydes and matrones in ſuch wiſe, that mine intemperancie ſhoulde bee more importable vnto you, than the bloudie tyrannie of Makbeth now is.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Makduffes aunſwere.Hereunto Makduffe anſwered: this ſurely is a very euill fault, for many noble Princes and Kings haue loſt both lyues and Kingdomes for the ſame, neuertheleſſe there are women ynowe in Scotlande, and therefore follow my counſell, make thy ſelfe king, and I ſhall conuey the mat|ter ſo wiſely, that thou ſhalt be ſo ſatiſfied at thy pleaſure in ſuch ſecrete wiſe, that no man ſhall be aware therof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſaide Malcolme, I am alſo the moſte auaritious creature on the earth, ſo that if I were king, I ſhould ſeeke ſo many wayes to get lands and goodes, that I woulde ſlea the moſt part of all the nobles of Scotland by ſurmiſed accuſati|ons, to the end I might enioy their lands, goods, and poſſeſſions, & therfore to ſhew you what miſ|chief may enſue on you through mine vnſatiable couetiſe, I will rehearſe vnto you a fable.

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