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[figure appears here on page 249]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the laſt when the turne fell vnto Mak|duffe Thane of Fife to buylde his part,Makduffe Thane of Fife. he ſent workmen with all needfull prouiſion, and com|maunded them to ſhew ſuche diligence in euery behalfe, that no occaſion might bee giuen for the king to finde fault with him, in that he came not himſelfe as other had done, which he refuſed to do for doubt leaſt the king bearing him (as he partly vnderſtoode) no great good will, woulde lay vio|lent handes vpon him, as he had done vppon dy|uerſe other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, Makbeth comming to behold howe the worke went forwarde, and bycauſe hee found not Makduffe there, he was ſore offended, and ſayde,Makbeth is of|fended with Makduffe. I perceyue this man will neuer obey my commaundements, till he be rydden with a ſnaffle, but I ſhal prouide well ynough for him. Neither could he afterwards abide to looke vpon the ſayde Makduffe, eyther for that he thought his puiſſance ouer great, either els for that he had learned of certain wyſardes,Makbethes confidence in wyſardes. in whoſe wordes he put great confidence, (for that the prophecie had happened ſo right, whiche the three Fayries or weird ſiſters had declared vnto him) how that he ought to take heede of Makduffe, who in tymes to come ſhould ſeeke to deſtroy him.

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