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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Further to the ende he might the more ſic|kerly oppreſſe his ſubiectes with all tyranlike wrongs,The caſtell of Dunſinnane buylded. hee buylded a ſtrong Caſtell on the top of an high hill cleped Dunſinnane ſituate in Gowry, ten myles from Perth, on ſuch a proude height, that ſtãding there aloft, a man might be|hold EEBO page image 249 welneare all the Countreys of Angus, Fife, Stermõd, & Ernedale, as it were lying vnderneth him. This caſtell then being founded on the top of that high hill, put the realme to great charges before it was fyniſhed, for al the ſtuffe neceſſarie to the building, could not be brought vp without much toyle and buſineſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Makbeth beeing once determined to haue the worke go forwarde,Dunſinnane. cauſed the Thanes of eche ſhire within the Realme, to come and helpe towardes that building, eche man hys courſe about.

[figure appears here on page 249]

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