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Compare 1587 edition: 1 It chaunced that falling out with one of his cõpanions, after many taunting woordes which paſſed betwixt them, the other to his reproch ob|iected that he was a baſtard, & begottẽ in vnlaw|full bed, wherewith being ſore kindled, in his ra|ging furie he ran vpõ him & ſlew him out of hãd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Walter fle|eth into Scot|land.Then was he glad to flee out of Wales, and cõming into Scotland to ſeeke ſome frendſhippe there, he happened into the cõpanie of ſuche En|gliſhmen,Saint Marga|ret. as were come thither with Queene Margaret, & behaued himſelf ſo ſoberly in all his demeanour, that within a while he was highly eſteemed amongſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Not long after by ſuch meanes atteyning to the degree of high reputation,Walter ſent with an army to dau [...]at re|belles. he was ſent with a great power of men into the Weſterne Iſles, in|to Galloway, and other partes of the realme, to deliuer the ſame of the tirannie and iniurious op|preſſion there exerciſed by diuers miſgouerned perſons: which enterpryſe according to his com|miſſion, he atchieued with ſuch prudent policie & manhoode, that immediatly vpon his returne to the court,Walter made Lorde Steward of Scotland. he was made lord Steward of Scot|land, with aſſignemẽt to receyue the kings rents & dueties out of all the partes of the realme.

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