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Compare 1587 edition: 1 And if any of the ſayde captaines or gouer|nours mary their ſonnes or daughters vnto any maner of perſon that dwelleth within the boũds of theyr roumes, they ſhall loſe their office, ney|ther ſhall it be lawfull for any of theyr ſonnes or coperceners to occupie the ſame office.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe and the like commendable lawes,Makbethes counterfayte zeale and e|quitie. Makbeth cauſed to be put as then in vſe, gouer|ning the realme for the ſpace of tenne yeares in equall iuſtice. But this was but a counterfayte zeale of equitie ſhewed by him, partely againſt his naturall inclination to purchaſe thereby the fauour of the people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, he beganne to ſhewe what he was, in ſteede of equitie practiſing crueltie.Makbeths gil|tie conſcience. For the pricke of conſcience (as it chaunceth euer in tyrantes, and ſuche as attayne to any aſtate by vnrightuous meanes) cauſed him euer to feare, leaſt he ſhould be ſerued of the ſame cuppe, as he had miniſtred to his predeceſſour.

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