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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Thane of Cawder con|demned of treaſon. Makbeth made Thane of Cawder.For ſhortly after, the Thane of Cawder being condemned at Fores of treaſon againſt the king committed, his landes, liuings and offices were giuen of the kings liberalitie vnto Makbeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame night after, at ſupper Banquho ieſted with him and ſayde, now Makbeth thou haſte obtayned thoſe things which the twoo for|mer ſiſters propheſied, there remayneth onely for thee to purchaſe that which the third ſayd ſhould come to paſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Makbeth de|uiſeth how he might attaine the kingdom.Wherevpon Makbeth reuoluing the thing in his minde, began euen then to deuiſe howe he mighte attayne to the kingdome: but yet hee thought with himſelfe that he muſt tary a time, whiche ſhoulde aduaunce him thereto (by the di|uine prouidence) as it had come to paſſe in his former preferment.

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