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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The place where ye Daniſh veſſels were thus loſt, is yet cleped Drownelow ſandes.Drownelow ſandes. This o|uerthrow receiued in maner aforeſaid by Sueno, EEBO page image 243 was right diſpleaſant to him and his people, as ſhoulde appeare in that it was a cuſtome many yeares after, that no Knightes were made in Norway,The othe that knights tooke in Norway, to reuenge the death of theyr frendes. excepte they were firſte ſworne to re|uenge the ſlaughter of theyr countreymen and frendes thus ſlayne in Scotland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottes hauing wonne ſo notable a victory, after they had gathered and diuided the ſpoyle of the fielde,Solemne pro|ceſſions for victory gottẽ. cauſed ſolemne proceſſions to be made in all places of the realme, and thankes to be giuen to almightie God, that had ſent them ſo fayre a day ouer their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But whyleſt the people were thus at theyr proceſſions,A tower of Danes arriue at Kyncorne [...] of Englãd. woorde was brought that a newe fleete of Danes was arriued at Kingcorne, ſent thyther by Canute king of England in reuenge of his brothers Suenoes ouerthrow.

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