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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fayned trea|tie.In the meane time Duncane fell in fayned cõmunication with Sueno as though he would haue yeelded vp the Caſtell into his handes vn|der certaine conditions, and this did he to driue time, and to put his enimies out of all ſuſpi|tion of any enterpryſement againſt them, till all things were brought to paſſe that might ſerue for the purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length when they were fallen at a poynt for rendring vp the holde, Duncane offered to ſende foorth of the caſtell into the campe greate prouiſion of vitayles to refreſh the army, whiche offer was gladly accepted of the Danes for that they had bene in greate penurie of ſuſtenaunce many dayes before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scots herevpon tooke the iuyce of Me|kilwort beries,Spyced cuppes prepared for the Danes. & mixed the ſame in theyr ale and bread, ſending it thus ſpiced and confectioned in great abundance vnto their enimies.

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